No Man's Sky
Bug Report #1
Created: 9-3-2022 - Site Universal Number: NS-NMS-1
Site-Side Form Copy
Subject: Large Spaces On Freighters Cause Light Flickering
Description: so i have built a large freighter base on my freighter, and have a large farming area on the second and third floors, and when walking around around the edges and looking towards the opposite sides, the lights flicker horribly. i only notice this issue with the farming/cultivation type rooms (biological room class) but it gets very disruptive
Game Version: Endurance
How has this issue affected your gameplay?: I can still play but this issue is annoying
Issue Type: Graphics
Platform: Xbox Series X
VR Headset: No
Username: Nebula SYS
Were you in Multiplayer?: I was not in multiplayer
Game Mode: Normal
What Were You Doing?: Something Else
Are files needed by Hello Games?: yes I have a crash file, video, screenshots, or other helpful files
the issue with this bug is that the lights get flickery and flicker rapidly which is very annoying and disruptive, and makes the game hard to look at, and as such, play, in the areas on my freighter that are affected which are the biological class rooms with the plants and such, which gets very annoying. i have a video below that shows what the issue is, albeit very long and convoluted