
Welcome, if you found this site, then we likely personally gave it to you, you got it from a link in one of our online profiles, or from Our Main Website.

since ethical hacking and physical security are mostly my thing and Alixian's thing respectively, Aleena Cocanee and Alixian Rashano are our primary online aliases for those things, so we can get a bit of separation of our identities online and offline, however we usually use Nebula System for sake of simplicity in most places.

the purpose of this site is here to serve as a portfolio for my adventures with technology, such as ethical hacking, bugs I've found and discovered, and so on, as well as some of Alixian's personal achievements in physical security, all meant for people to see how far we've come, and what we've done over the years. check Portfolio to see more of our skills, as it's styled to be a bit of a resume, and it will reference our projects and discovered bugs (bounty or otherwise), places we've gotten into, and similar at other pages on this site. each site header will have the name of the Alter that did it or was most involved in the content as well.

please do explore this site and see what we've done

-Aleena & Alixian